Has anyone heard of the creaclip?It's this thing that you clip into your hair to cut it in layers.I checked it out on youtube,and it seemed pretty easy and quick.One problem-it costs a whooping 29.99,which can buy me a pair of brand name jeans.But I wanted my hair cut for back to school,and this seemed like the easiest way to do it short of going to a salon,which costs even more.So what's a girl on a tight budget to do?Well i made my own.From cardboard.For a grand cost of-drumroll please-nothing!Zero.Zelch.El zippo. How did I do it you ask?Well,I think most of you could figure it out just by looking at the pictures,but I'll include instructions too. So basically you just cut 2 1 inch by 18 inches(fell free to adjust the length to suit your own hair)rectangles form congregated cardboard,and tie on end together with a rubber band.I used a regular rubber band,but if you use a hair tie there is less chance of your hair getting accidentally snagged.To use it you just open it up,tie a rubber band on the other end,and use it like a creaclip.To see how to use a creaclip,go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L8-oaTc417c
And now for the pictures:
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Real Creaclip
Note:This paper creaclip does not have the real one's built in rotating level,combing teeth,secure lock,or curved edge,but does work pretty well for basic cutting.You can also put shelf lining on the inside to help it better grip to hair.
This is awesome. Trying today. Thanks!
ReplyDeleteCan you show a picture on how your hair turned out after using this method. Thanks